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Basileus Forum

Dr. Andrew Ray for GRAND BASILEUS
Terrance Hamilton
How many of you still need convincing?
How many of you would like some campaign material sent to your chapter?
How many of you are willing to ask your chapters to contribute $500 to help?
Theta Omicron has committed $1000.00. And I agree, we just should, because he is in our chapter (no pressure right?).

There are other ways to contribute:
--Make calls around the country to your home districts and chapters where you were made. Or anywhere you have connections.
--Look at the travel schedule and the upcoming district meeting schedule. If you have the time and resources to attend.. then do so.
--Do you have frequent flyer miles to donate? Purchase a plan ticket for him or donate miles directly. Obviously you should coordinate with Dr. Ray or the District Representative directly.

Give me some feed back as to what you feel we as Chapter Officers can or should be doing.
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