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Social Action Committee


Mission of the Second District Social Action Committee

Brothers, with any endeavor, there should be a guide or set of principles to keep the task before us in focus. As the newly appointed Chairman of the Second District Social Action Committee, this is our mission, vision, goal and theme:

  • Mission

    The mission statement of the Second District Social Action Committee is as follows: “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions in truth.” (I John 3:17-18) Our mission is to SERVE the community.

  • Vision

    The vision statement of the Second District Social Action Committee is as follows: “We must reach down and lift our fellow-men so that they, too, will stand as men of pride and character for all the world to see. This is the life Omega demands of all its sons.” Our vision infers the truth that anywhere Omega has a presence and to any person whose life is touched by Omega, that this experience should be positive, uplifting, and fulfilling.

  • Goal

    The goal of the Second District Social Action Committee is to do what is right and pleasing to God. It is written “…..when the record of the golden book is read, he (an Omega Man) shall not have cause to be ashamed.” Brothers, we do not complete social action projects to win awards or to enjoy self-aggrandizement. We complete social action projects because we have been blessed with the knowledge, skills, ability, and talent to share with the less fortunate to positively affect their lives and change their collective condition.  

  • Theme 
The theme is based on a speech by Malcolm X. In the speech, Malcolm held his hand open and began to describe the five digits (fingers) on his hand. Individually, he stated each had its own strength and abilities. He then explained when the five digits were brought together to form a fist, that was where the real power lied. Brothers, let the Five States (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) come together to form a “fist” to address social concerns and community issues in the Second District. As in the 1970’s martial arts classic, through our great works, we now become the “Second District Fist of Fury”

Social Action - Proposed Projects
