Getting Started
Welcome to the website of the "Mighty" Second District! Now that you are here, let's get started!
Step 1
The chapter Basileus, Keeper of Records and Seal, and District Officers are provided a username and password to log onto the website of the Second District. If you are in one of these categories and have not received your log-on information, select "Contact Us" from the side menu, or click here and submit an email to the IT Committee Chairperson or Co-Chairperson. A special membership category will be created for those with a need to access information outside of the aforementioned positions stated in Step 1. If you have a need for access because you've been designated to fill a critical role within the district for a temporary period (ex. Asst. to the District Marshall for registrations or etc.) please contact the IT Committee Co-Chairs using the "Contact Us" link. If a username and password have been created for you, you would have received a 'Welcome Email" from Club Express with your username and temporary password.
Step 2
Once logged on, click on the 'Profile' link in the top-right corner of this web page to complete and update your information. Please verify your contact information (mailing address, phone numbers, email address) since this information will be used as the District's primary Point of Contact (POC) information. You will receive e-mails with information "posted" to your respective forums (Basileus, KRS, etc). To respond or reply to the "posts" you will need to logon to the website, access the respective "Forum" (the link to the Forums can be found in the menu located in the top-left section of this page) and "Reply" to the specified message. The District IT Committee is working to allow responses directly via e-mail, but that feature is currently unavailable.
Step 3
Verify or create your International Fraternal Address. The chapter Basileus and Keeper of Records and Seal have an email address ( preconfigured and provided for official use by the International Headquarters (IHQ). Directions and information about the Fraternity's email directive can be found (once logged-in) within the 'Documents' section which is accessible from the website menu at the top-left section of this page. Contact information is contained within the documents for the Second District I.T. Committee if you require assistance.
Step 4
Things you need to know. We are constantly updating the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. We have made every effort to make the site easy to navigate but your questions may help us to make it easier for all concerned. Share those questions with us and we'll add them to the frequently asked questions page[s] as applicable. Passwords are issued to authorized members only as expressed in Step 1.
You are responsible for passing this information on to incoming chapter officials. They can request a password reset after assuming one of the specified positions. Email addresses issued by IHQ are not officially tied into this system. We have provided a message in the News section explaining how to access IHQ email accounts. You must contact the 2DKRS or IHQ IT committee representative for assistance in this area if needed. The District IT Committee does not have control or access to this information.
Step 5
Submitting information for chapter events. If there is a chapter event that you would like published on the 2nd District's Event Calendar, please send an e-mail to Bro. Jeff Givens. Your message should include the following information:
- Chapter
- Event title and short description
- Date of the event
- Start and end time of the event
- Location of the event (facility name, address, city, state, zip code, and phone number if available)
- Point of contact for the event (phone number and e-mail address)
- Associated costs, if any, for the event
The committee will post this information to the District Event Calendar ASAP!
If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the I.T. Committee.
The Second District I.T. Committee